By the end of the summer, Zuma was finished, though still not released. Neil Young was on a creative high in 1975. The detailed liner notes from this particular version (the "Rust Edition", which draws from the very best sources) tell the tale better than I ever could: "When was there ever a Chrome Dreams One?" And the answer is, there wasn't, because Neil's original Chrome Dreams is one of those great lost albums, from the further reaches of rock history, that never saw the light of day, except to boot collectors. "Chrome Dreams Two?" many of you may have asked. Neil's been in the news in recent weeks after announcing that he will release a new album, Chrome Dreams II, on October 23. Second - and as I was just about to say when I was so rudely interrupted - it's about time for some classic Neil Young. Rich, I'm prepared to shoulder some extra weight for a while to make it up to you. Special thanks, too, to my good buddy Rich, who carried the torch admirably during my 3-week hiatus. And once I get my musical bearings, I may take a few of you, especially you Atlanta locals, up on your generous offers. So thanks, a million times - as we say down south, y'all are the best. I never dreamed that TTT readers would respond the way they did to my misfortune, and it is no exaggeration to say that I was profoundly touched by the reaction and encouragement. If you need to come back, come back strong, I always say.įirst off, my sincere thanks to all of you who expressed sympathy and offered music after my recent burglary experience.